Darby, Yujie, and Andrew are coauthors on a paper led by Jeffrey Uyekawa and Ben Lucas of NAU’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics in a special Landscape Ecology section of the journal Land. The study uses the Extreme Gradient Boosting machine learning model to model land-atmosphere CO2 fluxes, at 30 minute temporal resolution, across 44 NEON sites. In addition to standard k-fold cross-validation techniques, the study applies a “leave-one-site-out” (L1SO) approach to test predictions at a site which had not been used, in any way, to train the model. The results show strong potential for machine learning-based models to make more skillful predictions than state-of-the-art process-based models, being able to estimate the multi-year mean carbon balance to within an error ±50 gCm−2y−1 for 29 of 44 test sites. L1SO model performance was better when ecologically similar sites were included in the training data, and worse when there were no similar sites in the training data (e.g., more unique ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest, Florida, and Puerto Rico). Results also point to the enormous potential of machine learning to predict not only the long-term carbon balance of an unknown site, but even the inter-annual variation in that carbon balance. These results have significant implications for being able to accurately predict the carbon flux or gap-fill an extended outage at any AmeriFlux site, and for being able to make skillful predictions of ecosystem-scale carbon balance in support of natural climate solutions.
A companion paper on water fluxes is in preparation.
NEON tower at Niwot Ridge, Colorado (courtesy of NEON).