Jen attends AmeriFlux meeting in Berkeley

In early September, Jen attended the annual AmeriFlux Annual Meeting, which was held on San Francisco Bay at the Berkeley Marina. Many friends, collaborators, and former lab group members were in attendance and it was a great networking opportunity. Jen gave an oral presentation titled “The Great Thermal Bake–Off: A Hands-On Workshop for Enhancing Temperature Measurement Precision and Standardization for Improved Flux Interpretation and Application”, which provided an overview of the outcomes of the workshop which was hosted by NAU at the Historic Hat Ranch in August of this year. (Side note: Jen was awarded the prize for the longest talk title!). On returning home from the meeting, Jen wrote: “the Ameriflux meeting was so awesome! There were over 100 folks there and a really welcoming community. I was able to chat and make connections with lots of folks. “

The first photo shows Jen (front right) along with fellow SICCS T3 PhD student Emma Reich (front left), former lab visitor (2023) Deklan Mengering (back left; now UC Davis), and former lab REU student (2010) and postdoc (2019-2021) Adam Young (now Battelle/NEON) at the AmeriFlux site US-EDN: Eden Landing Ecological Reserve. The second photo shows conference participants in front of the Berkeley Marina.