Welcome new lab members!

There are lots of new additions to the Richardson-Carbone lab this spring! Kai Begay and Faith Kollinger are both undergraduates at CCC, and they started work in the lab in April. They’ll be improving their data analysis skills in R and Python, and working on PhenoCam-related projects for the next 12 months. They are both planning to transition to bachelor degree programs at NAU. Raul Valencia, an undergrad at UTEP, will be joining the group in mid-May. He will work for 2 weeks in Flagstaff before heading to New Mexico to participate in the Sevilleta LTER’s REU program for the summer, where he’ll work on soil CO2 flux measurements in a precipitation manipulation experiment. Mostafa Javadian, from U of A, joins the lab as a postdoc in June and will work on thermal imaging of forest canopies.