Darby, Oscar, and Mostafa led two well-attended PhenoCam training workshops as part of the AmeriFlux Management Project webinar series, engaging over 50 participants. In the first session, held on October 11, Oscar and Mostafa provided an introduction to the PhenoCam Network and guided participants on how to navigate the PhenoCam website. The second session, on October 18, featured Darby leading an interactive data activity on a cloud platform, demonstrating how to integrate PhenoCam data with eddy covariance flux tower data. The resources from both sessions are available here. Also, the recordings are available here: Part 1 and Part 2.
After the workshop, Darby reported: “This was the best turnout we’ve had yet for a training sessions, and we had a lot of great questions from the audience, particularly about how researchers can apply these tools to data from their own sites.”