Kai presents at Festival of Science STEM Poster Session

Every year, the Flagstaff Festival of Science allows NAU students, researchers, and faculty to share with the Flagstaff community some of the exciting and cutting-edge STEM research being conducted in the labs at NAU. In a STEM poster session in Ashurst Hall, Kai presented a poster on the work that he is conducting as part of his CCC2NAU “Pathway to the Skies” internship. In a cross-department between members of Christopher Edwards’ PIXEL lab in Astronomy and Planetary Sciences, and the Richardson Lab, Kai is working as part of a team putting together a “next generation” phenocam that would include three different camera systems, one for each of the visible (RGB), near-infrared, and thermal bands. In his poster, Kai explained the overall project goals and objectives, including some of the design challenges, and described his work in engineering and 3D printing a mount to securely hold all three camera sensors in precise alignment. Great job, Kai!