Oscar and Mostafa lead PhenoCam workshop at the Flagstaff Festival of Science

Last week at the FoS, an intrepid group of Flagstaff residents learned about virtual travel in time and space as they explored the rhythm of the seasons across the PhenoCam network archive. In an introductory presentation, Oscar and Mostafa explained the science of PhenoCam, and why phenology is an important indicator of the biological impacts of climate change. Then, after a tour of the PhenoCam web page, during which they learned some handy tricks for drilling down to specific sites and images, participants worked on a couple of hands-on activities centered around sites in some of their favorite locations. Oscar noted that “Although the NAU high-performance computer is named Monsoon, the run-away winner in the workshop’s ‘name your favorite season’ survey was actually autumn!” After the event, Andrew commented that “this was a great opportunity to share, in a way that is accessible to people of all ages, some of the really cool science happening in our lab.”

Great job, Oscar and Mostafa!