Jacob attends “Macrosystems Ecology for All” meeting

This July, the Macrosystems Ecology For All (MEFA) Annual Meeting took place in beautiful Boulder, CO. MEFA, a spin-off of the Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN), is a diverse community of ecologists from teaching-focused universities, research-focused universities, federal agencies, etc. The goal of this community is to implement macrosystems ecology concepts in teaching environments and engage in macrosystem ecology research projects using frameworks put forth in Heffernan et al. 2014. Jacob and former lab postdoc, Alison Post, were both in attendance at the Meeting. Alison led a data science workshop where she taught attendees about the PhenoCam Network and how to work with PhenoCam data via the PhenoCam API. Jacob assisted with this workshop by showing attendees the materials necessary to set up a PhenoCam site, including StarDot cameras, and answering technical questions regarding the site setup protocol and computer networking skills that come in handy.

Thanks for spreading the word about PhenoCam, Jacob and Alison!