Elis wraps up their summer in the Sevilleta REU program

Elis Brown, our 2024 Sevilleta National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates intern, successfully and fabulously presented the research they conducted with Jacob this summer. The poster symposium took place on Thursday, August 1st at the Sevilleta Field Station south of Albuquerque, NM. Refreshments were had and exciting science was discussed. Elis’s poster was titled “Soil Respiration Responses to Altered Precipitation in a Creosote Shrubland.” Elis collected data using a Flux Puppy system at the Mean-Variance Experiment creosote site to investigate how reduced and more variable precipitation will influence soil respiration rates in bare soil and near creosotes. Ellis will be starting their junior year at NAU in just a few weeks. Way to go, Elis, and thanks to Jacob for serving as their mentor!